How my Insight Out works

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How does it work?

my Insight Out is a self-coach tool based on a scientific theory and a collective consciousness, in the form of a database of thousands of experiences of other people. You use the tool independently, at a time that suits you and when you need it. It is a surprising step by step process of self-insight on the basis of videos, audio

exercises and visualisations. My Insight Out helps you reflect on your own truth in a safe and friendly way. You dive under the story in your head and discover which emotional patterns unconsciously direct your life. It helps you to bring out the truth that you already carry within you.

The collective consciousness

my Insight Out is a tool that you always have at hand. Often life gives you experiences tot learn from. You can use it when a situation affects you, positively or negatively, and you would like to have a new perspective. Through the database of collective experiences, you can find a different point of view to learn from, even in the most difficult moments.




Click where you recognize yourself and be inspired by others' experiences

Negative self image

I often assume that I am not that interesting. my Insight Out brought me first the insight how that image crept into me, and then, helped me to believe in my qualities and feel them again.

No support

The reality seemed to be that there is nobody on my side ... I now see what I can do to notice support, and to accept it.


Why does he not understand me? That is what you expect from a friend! I was surprised when I discovered how, with my demands, I chase the other away myself.

Too much stimulation

I am a very sensitive person. I feel what others feel and I suffer from that.  Now I can let go what belongs with the other person, and that gives me a peaceful mind.

Low energy

I am so often tired, but I have to keep on going anyway. my Insight Out gave me an unexpected insight: tiredness has become a signal for me to listen to myself, instead of forcing myself.

Fear of failure

I am smart but can't risk failure. I have to be able to do everything at once with as little effort as possible. I entered my avoiding behavior in my Insight Out. And now I am starting to experience the fun of learning by trial and error.

Too much self-criticism

The critical voice in my head is constantly on; it drives me crazy. I filled in my sentence honestly: -I look at myself and think ''you should have done much better'' ..I discovered how this voice used to help me in the past. I can now just  hear this, and gently put it aside as something of my past, and make myself more and more free from it.

I am being lived

Every free moment I sit on my mobile and I start to get bothered by it. It became clear to me what I am trying to do with that. Namely not to feel how lonely I actually feel.

Too much stress

My whole day is full of things that still have to be done .. I exhaust myself. I was kindly compelled by my supervisor to enter a stress situation in my Insight Out. It became clear to me what I need to learn: to focus and how to ask for support.

Often angry

I can't hold back my anger when she makes weak excuses. I discovered that a very beautiful quality is hidden in that anger, and how I can respond from there.


I often do not dare to say what I think. I keep my mouth shut. So nice to discover how I have used my quality of modesty to protect myself in a fierce family. And how I can develop as an adult, and take on the challenge of claiming my space and showing myself.

Loosing myself

I always adjust myself ... I lose myself and that makes me unhappy. Now...what a relief! I realize that this is no longer necessary. I am starting to develop the courage to show myself more and more.

My life feels useless

The question "why am I here" keeps me busy. Every time I ask myself that question I fill in this question and I get a loving answer from the collective consciousness, which I can continue to use.

A boring life

I dared to fill in my Insight Out: "I have a boring life". To my surprise, I ended up finding my liveliness again, which I had overlooked.

Endless doubting

I know myself as an eternal slave to doubt. I discovered the value of feeling my way step by step, instead of completely filling my head with worry.

Wearing a mask

People find me cozy and funny, and I am always a welcome guest. Nobody sees how lonely I feel behind this mask. How nice it was to honestly fill in my Insight Out, and look how I really feel in the face, and take myself seriously.

Surprising insights from other users

my Insight Out provides surprising insights that you could not 1-2-3 imagine yourself. It enables you to become increasingly aware of the influence you have on your own experience and on the world around you. As a result, you create healthy relationships with yourself and others.

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