Find your mIO Coach

      Why a mIO-Coach?

      There are several reasons to engage an mIO coach:

      • Working with mIO usually initiates a good development process.
      • You may need a helping hand to take the next step. For example, when it comes to taking on a rather exciting challenge.
      • An mIO coach can help you with this!
      • It often helps if you share your insights and questions with a friend, partner, colleague or mentor. And sometimes you need a little extra. Our coaches are ready to help you further.
      • With an mIO coach you can already make great progress in one session.

      Some parts of my Insight Out cannot be accessed without the guidance of a coach, due to the depth of the topics.
      Contact one of our mIO coaches for an extra session.


      About our mIO-Coaches

      mIO coaches are certified and have had extensive training and testing in applying my Insight Out.


      Wat is my Insight Out?

      Leer over de achterliggende wetenschappelijke basis en hoe my Insight Out in de wereld is gekomen.

      Wat kun je met my Insight Out?

      Leer hoe je met my Insight Out in no time boven water krijgt wat er speelt. Ontdek ook hoe jij deze tool kan benutten, zowel voor jóuw persoonlijke ontwikkeling, als dat van je cliënt.

      Wat kan my Insight Out voor jouw praktijk betekenen?

      Leer hoe my Insight Out jou kan ondersteunen in jouw praktijk en ontdek hoe het jou één van de besten maakt binnen jouw vakgebied.

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