Illustratie Heidi Zoestbergen


The sentence I started with was: ‘When I received no response to my request for a conversation, I became impatient and irritated‘.

Through my Insight Out I found out that I in general I hesitate to contact someone directly. I usually ask the other person to contact me. Out of fear that I may be too direct and afraid of being rejected, I developed that habit.

The theme is: ‘making myself smaller than necessary – feeling dependent causes negative emotions in me’.
I discovered how I actually make myself dependent on another. And then if that person does not give me what I want, I become impatient. On one hand I do not feel taken seriously, and on the other hand, I am uncertain whether I am of value for the other.

I now see how I operate very carefully trying to maintain the relationship, keeping myself out of contact.  My Insight Out gave me this challenge: ‘to actively make contact myself first’. Hmmm ….  I still have some homework. But it helps that I see what I can do, even though I don’t see myself doing it right away.

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