my Insight Out

is proving to be the
Self-reflection tool of  today

Insight into yourself through 1000's of others

my Insight Out
a contemporary tool for self-reflection

my Insight Out (mIO) emerged from the Valuation Theory of professor Hubert Hermans. The starting point is that man, through self-investigation,
can give deeper meaning to one's own experience.

my Insight Out has the wisdom of the collective story
- the universal human undercurrent - integrated into the Valuation Theory
plus the contemporary power of the digital inteligence.
By linking a personal experience to a large database of experiences from
1000's of other people, a hidden layer of personal meaning comes to light.

my Insight Out thus leads to deep self-insight in a short time, often with surprising results.
Once the underlying challenge is clear, the desired movement will be provoked.
A movement that goes hop-step-jump towards intrinsically desired development.

use my Insight Out for:

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